ASP / Calendars Asptools Date Picker is a multi-platform compatible component that allows you to seamlessly integrate a skinnable date picker calendar with your current web application. The calendar window can send the selected date back to your application on Netscape, IE, and Opera in 3 ways. PHP / Date and Time Date.diff.PHP is multi-platform compatible. This is a simple script to calculate the difference between two dates and express it in years, months and days. You can use as in: 'my daughter is 4 years, 2 month and 17 days old' .. Samsung gt e1170 network unlock code free. Feel.. Development / Data Formats A free javascript date picker. You can open a calendar and click on a date to paste it on a field. You can have infinite calendar in the same web page. FarsiDatePicker (Shamsi Date Picker) 1.0 - Farsidatepicker Web-Based Persian Javascript Date Picker for ASP.NET. CSS-Based. Development / Data Formats This is a simple DHTML javascript date picker, for easy selection of ranges of dates, including year, month, day from-to and weeks. Inspired by the date range picker at google analytics. ASP / Calendars This tool is basically for generating a date picker calendar by which the web users can query their required date and events easily. Users can change the look of the calendar with the components provided in the tool. This utility can be accessed.. ASP & ASP.NET Calendar Component 5.I - A fully functional Date Picker able to: Navigate Months and Years, Highlight Todays Date, Change Colors, Add Client or Server Side Events to each Date, Populate Form Fields with the Selected Date, Advanced DHTML to Multi-Select Dates, 7 Different.. ASP / Calendars This component allows you to seamlessly integrate a skinnable date picker calendar with your current Web application. The calendar window can send the selected date back to your application on Netscape, IE, and Opera in three ways. ASP.NET / Calendars UltimateCalendar is a set of ASP.NET server controls to provide calendar and date picker functionality. * ASP.NET Calendar Plus - Lots of additional functionality on top of existing capabilities of ASP.NET Calendar web control. * Date Picker -.. Python / Multimedia UICAL is an implementation of a calendar date picker which uses the power of the nested functions. UICAL is easily customizable in terms of colors and even languages. In fact you can easily add you own set of languages. Enjoy ! It’s a big problem for me because I have to travel to a mall and find a store where they offer unlocking services for my mobile phone.With WorldUnlock Codes Calculator, it is now easy for me. The installation of this software was very easy and the interface was very clear to understand. My problem now is solved and my mobile phones are now unlocked for other networks.I can further use this to replace my lock code if there is one point I may forget my locking codes in my mobile phone. It’s just like your calculating some numbers and then you go. Before, I have to pay $5 to a technician only to unlock my mobile device Samsung. JDatePicker: Java Swing Date Picker 1.0 - Jdatepicker JDatePicker and JDatePanel is an set of advanced DatePicker controls for Java Swing applications. The MVC design enables us to display any date object such as Joda-Time DateMidnight. The date picker also works well with JGoodies Binding. Development / Libraries Zebra_Datepicker is a small, compact and highly configurable date picker plugin for jQuery, meant to enrich forms by adding a datepicker functionality. It works by automatically adding a calendar icon to the indicated input fields, which users can.. Development / User Interfaces A Java Swing component to select dates using a popup window (also know as 'Date Picker'). Similar to the date selector in MS Outlook / New Appointment. Lightweight, easy to use and customizable in look and feel. Also available in an SWT.. PHP / Calendars Active Calendar is a PHP class that generates calendars (month or year view) as HTML tables (XHTML-Valid). It can produce static calendars without any links or calendars with navigation controls, a date picker control, event days with event URLs,.. ASP.NET / Date and Time This is simple, flexible ASP.Net control. Using this control you can collect the date and time oriented users informations. Using this control you can select the date text box with date picker. The client-side interface is similar to windows data.. PHP / Functions and Classes / Date and Time A class that generates calendars as HTML tables. It supports calendar generation for the years 1971-2037 and can produce static calendars calendars with navigation controls, a date picker and linked days. Pro-pack 1 - Kerberos Internet Services CC Get the full range of complimenting Kerberos browser form controls today! For a limited time only you can get a great package that contains the ideal web development solutions: Date Picker (Calendar Control); CSS Font Picker; Tabula Rasa.. ASP / Calendars Use this script to manage facility reservations through your Web site. Features are: multi-day booking, images manager, color picker, date picker, position vertical or horizontal, e-mail configuration, etc. JavaScript / Calendar Scripts PopCalendarXP is a great-looking JavaScript date picker that comes with many convenient features to facilitate date inputs on your webpage. In short words, it's simple outside while powerful inside and all well-documented that even people with.. JavaScript / Scripts and Programs / Calendars PopCalendarXP is a 100% JavaScript calendaring tool that provides your webpage with a date picker. This highly customizable calendar features powerful date parsing and auto-correction, lightweight, but high performance Calendar. Supports various.. |