1991 Uniform Building Code Free Download
An Abridged History of the Statewide “California Building Code”. The City of Oakland, for example, did not modernize its building code until after the War’s end (the 1948 Oakland Building Code, modeled on the 1946 UBC, was effective from November 1948 to December 1957). Similarly, in 1947, the completely rewritten and reformatted. May 26, 2012 BY ORDER OF THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Office of the Federal Register Washington, D.C. By Authority of the Code of Federal Regulations: 24 CFR 200.925c(a)(1)(iii) Name of Legally Binding Document: ICBO: Uniform Building Code (1991) Name of Standards Organization: International Conference of Building Officials LEGALLY BINDING DOCUMENT. Read Uniform Codes Online; READ UNIFORM CODES ONLINE. The codes of practice attempt to minimize public risk by specifying technical standards of design, materials, workmanship and maintenance for various systems. The main aims of the Uniform codes are. The Uniform Building Code (UBC) was a building code used primarily in the western United States. The UBC was first published in 1927 by the International Conference of Building Officials, which was based in Whittier, California. It was intended to promote public safety and provided standardized requirements for safe construction which. Gjrand is a programmer's library for pseudo-random numbers. Gjrand library includes random number generator testing code and is intended for simulation, games, and 'Monte-Carlo' algorithms.It produces pseudo-random numbers of the types: uniform integers, uniform reals, normally distributed reals, binomial, Poisson, integer permutation, chi-squared distribution, and spherical distribution. PURCHASE THE PDF DOWNLOAD VERSION AND GET IMMEDIATE ACCESS!!! This convenient option is a searchable PDF download that requires a PDF Reader. This option is mobile friendly and compatible with all devices, including mobile tablets and smart phones. Uniform administrative code code adopted resolution/ ordinance # 1997 uac february 10, 2003 o # 9813 1997 uac repealed andreplaced with chapter 1of the ibc june 12, 2007 o # 10417 uniform & international building codes code adopted resolution/ ordinance # 1927 ubc september 4,1928 r.
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1991 Uniform Building Code Free Download Full
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State and Municipal Building Codes
Chapter 16.13
16.13.010 Uniform Sign Code – Adopted by reference – Amendments and supplements.
As authorized by RCW 35A.12.140 and 35A.13.180, the city council of the city of Longview hereby adopts by reference as and for the sign code of the city, as if set forth herein in full, the 1997 Edition of the Uniform Sign Code as prepared and published by the International Conference of Building Officials, as hereafter amended and supplemented in this chapter, together with future amendments thereof and additions thereto. One copy of said Uniform Sign Code, with amendments and additions, shall be filed in the office of the city clerk/director of finance for use and examination by the public. (Ord. 2838 § 1, 2002; Ord. 2762, 2000; Ord. 2701 § 1, 1998; Ord. 2489 § 8, 1992).
16.13.015 Uniform Sign Code – Section 304 amended – Permit fees.
Section 304 is amended to read as follows:
Sec. 304 Fees
(1) For the installation, erection, re-erection, construction, alteration or maintenance of a sign, the permit fee shall be based on Table 1-A of the 1997 Uniform Building Code (value) as amended in Longview Municipal Code Section 16.01.060.
(2) The plan review fee for sign installation, erection, re-erection, construction, or alteration shall be 70% of the permit fee.
(Ord. 2848 § 1, 2002).
16.13.020 Amendments to Uniform Sign Code.
The Uniform Sign Code is hereby amended as follows:
Section 103.3. Board of Appeals.
In order to provide for reasonable interpretation of the provisions of this Chapter, the Appeal Board of Adjustment shall have the authority and powers provided by LMC Section 19.12.140, in accordance with the provisions of LMC Chapter 19.12.
In order to provide for reasonable interpretation of the provisions of this Chapter, and in order to approve the placement, construction, erection and maintenance of Wayfinding Signs as defined in LMC 16.13.040, the Appeal Board of Adjustment shall have the authority and powers provided by LMC section 19.12.050 to grant Special Property Use permits for the placement, construction, erection and maintenance of Wayfinding Signs in all use districts.
Section 304. Fees.
For the installation, erection, re-erection, construction, alteration or maintenance of a sign, the permit fee shall be based on Table 1-A of the 1997 Uniform Building Code.
The plan review fee for sign installation, erection, re-erection, construction, or alteration shall be 70% of the permit fee.
Section 402.4. Restrictions on Combustible Materials.
All signs and sign structural members shall be constructed of noncombustible materials.
Signs fronting on streets or yards. Regardless of fire resistive requirements for exterior walls, certain elements of signs fronting on streets or yards having a width of 50 feet may be constructed as follows: Wood veneer of boards not less than 1 inch nominal thickness or exterior type plywood panels not less than 3/8 inch nominal thickness may be applied to walls provided the veneer does not exceed 15 feet above the grade, and further provided that such veneer shall be placed either directly against noncombustible surfaces or furred out from such surfaces not to exceed 1-5/8 inches with all concealed spaces firestopped as provided by this Code.
The display surface of a projecting sign may be of wood provided such sign is not more than 42 square feet in area, is constructed of materials not less than 2 inches in nominal thickness, and is not over 15 feet in height, from ground level to the top of such sign.
(Ord. 2967 § 3, 2006; Ord. 2838 § 1, 2002; Ord. 2701 § 2, 1998; Ord. 2489 § 8, 1992).
16.13.030 Additions to Uniform Sign Code.
Chapter 14 of the Uniform Sign Code is amended by the addition of the following provisions:
Section 1403. Temporary Political Signs – Requirements.
(1) As used in this section, “temporary political signs” include those pertaining to nonpartisan elections, bond measures, initiatives, and similar matters as well as to the customary partisan politics. The term “signs”, as used in this section, shall not be deemed to include permanent outdoor advertising structures or billboards, which are regulated by other sections of the Longview Municipal Code, regardless of whether political advertising is carried on such outdoor advertising structures or billboards.
(2) Temporary political signs are subject to the following requirements:
(a) The face of any such sign shall not exceed four feet in height or width and eight feet in length;
(b) It is unlawful to erect any such sign on public property, except within the public right-of-way adjoining a street whereby the person approving the installation of the sign owns the underlying fee of such public right-of-way; however, any such sign within the public right-of-way shall comply with the following:
i.) Have no part of the sign interfering with or hanging over the portion of the right-of-way within four feet of the paved portion of a roadway;
ii.) Have no part of the sign interfering with or hanging over a sidewalk; and
iii.) Shall not block or interfere with the sight distance of any intersection or driveway as set forth in paragraph (4) below;
(c) The person desiring to erect any temporary political signs shall, before doing so, deposit the sum of fifty (50) dollars with the City Clerk to cover all such signs erected, as a guaranty that the same will be removed within ten (10) days after the election for which such signs are displayed and thus will not contribute to visual pollution in the city; provided all such signs are removed within such time, which determination shall be made by the Police Department of the city, said fifty (50) dollars will be refunded, without interest, to the person presenting to the City Clerk the deposit receipt issued by the City Clerk at the time of the deposit. If such signs are not so removed within said ten (10) days, the fifty (50) dollar deposit shall be deemed forfeited to the city to help defray the cost to the city of removing such signs. At the time of making such deposit, the person making the same shall designate to the City Clerk the signs, by name of the individual or proposition listed on such signs, for which such deposit is being made.
(d) Temporary Political signs that are six (6) feet or more above grade are subject to the design and construction requirements contained in Chapter 4 of the Uniform Sign Code.
(3) For purposes of this section the term “public property” shall mean: (a) all land and buildings owned and/or occupied by the city or any governmental agency; (b) the portion of dedicated rights-of-way between the centerline of the street and the edge of the sidewalk farthest away from such centerline; (c) the portion of the dedicated rights-of-way between the centerline of the street and a point that is four feet from the nearest edge of the improved surface of the street where there are no sidewalks; and (d) all median areas within dedicated rights-of-way.
(4) Sight triangle requirements concerning sight distance at street intersections and driveways shall be as follows:
(a) In all areas of the city where yards or open space are required in front yards or side yards, sight triangles shall be maintained at intersections of streets, and intersections of driveways and other entrances to streets in order that visibility may exist from one to the other, enabling operators of motor vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians, and others using such streets, driveways and sidewalks, to observe other motor vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians and others before entering streets or crossing sidewalks from other streets, or driveways.
(b) Intersections and Entrances.
(i) Driveways from Private Property Emerging onto Streets Where There Are No Sidewalks. At all locations in the city of Longview where front or side yards are required by LMC Title 19, where driveways emerge onto streets, and where, on both sides of such driveway, there are no improved sidewalks existing between the land abutting such street and the paved portion thereof, there shall be maintained a clear field of vision between a point which is 42 inches above the edge of roadway where the driveway intersects or merges, and 96 inches above such point. Such field of vision shall be of such distance as to enable the operator of any motor vehicle, bicycle or other transportation device to clearly see onto the intersecting street from a distance which is 10 feet back from the point where such driveway intersects with such street, and along the intersecting street for a distance of not less than 10 feet, providing for a clear field of visibility. Said field of vision area is described as a triangular-shaped area determined by measuring from the point where the driveway and the paved portion of the street intersect, a distance of 10 feet along the driveway and 10 feet along the nearest edge of the pavement of the street onto which such driveway emerges, in both directions.
Property which adjoins a property with a required sight distance triangle for a driveway shall be required to maintain temporary signs consistent with the requirements of this chapter.
(ii) Driveways and Other Entrances From Private Property Emerging onto Streets Where There Are Sidewalks. At all locations in the city of Longview where front or side yards are required by LMC Title 19, where driveways emerge onto streets, and where on both sides of such driveway there are improved sidewalks, on either side, existing between the land abutting such street and the paved portion thereof, there shall be maintained a clear field of vision between a point which is 42 inches above the edge of roadway where the driveway intersects or merges, and 96 inches above such point. Such field of vision shall be of such distance as to enable the operator of any motor vehicle, bicycle or other transportation device to clearly see onto the intersecting street from a distance which is 10 feet from the edge of the sidewalk which is nearest the property line and along the intersecting sidewalk for a distance of not less than 10 feet, providing for a clear field of vision. Said field of vision area is described as a triangular-shaped area determined by measuring from the point where the driveway and the paved portion of the sidewalk intersect, a distance of 10 feet from the edge of sidewalk, along the driveway and 10 feet along the nearest edge of the pavement of the sidewalk onto which such driveway emerges, in both directions.
Property which adjoins a property with a required sight distance triangle for a driveway shall be required to maintain temporary signs consistent with the requirements of this chapter.
(iii) Streets Intersecting Other Streets. At all locations in the city of Longview where front or side yards are required by LMC Title 19, where streets intersect with other streets, there shall be maintained a clear field of vision between a point which is 42 inches above the highest level of such streets and 96 inches above such point. Such field of vision shall be of such distance as to enable the operator of any motor vehicle, bicycle or other transportation device to clearly see onto the intersecting street from a distance which is 20 feet along the property line from the point where such street rights-of-way intersect, providing for a clear field of visibility from each of said streets. Said field of vision area is described as a triangular-shaped area determined by measuring from the point where one street right-of-way intersects with another street right-of-way a distance of 20 feet along the right-of-way of one street and 20 feet along the intersecting edge of the intersecting street right-of-way.
Section 1404. Temporary Neighborhood Signs.
As used in this section, the term “Temporary Neighborhood Sign” means a temporary sign advertising a garage sale, rummage sale, estate sale, yard sale, a community event such as an organized “walk”, “run”, “jog”, bicycle activity, that is not scheduled by the proponents for a duration exceeding four (4) successive days. Temporary Neighborhood Signs may advertise off-premises events, and may be located on premises only with the specific permission of the owner or occupant of the real property where such signs are placed; provided, however, that a sign advertising or announcing a garage sale, rummage sale, estate sale or yard sale may not be placed in a location that is more than six (6) city blocks, or 2,400 feet from the location of such sale.
Temporary Neighborhood Signs may be erected and maintained for a period of not to exceed two days before the scheduled event, and must be removed within twenty-four (24) hours after the event has concluded. Temporary Neighborhood Signs may be placed in the locations permitted for Temporary Political Signs in Section 1403 of this Chapter 16.13. Failure to remove a Temporary Neighborhood Sign as required herein or placement of a Temporary Neighborhood Sign in a location other than as specified herein is a class II Civil Infraction.
Section 1405. Temporary Construction Signs.
One temporary sign identifying an engineer, architect, contractor, bank, or other professional service engaged in or used in the construction of a home or a utility within the subdivision may be erected on a lot within the subdivision when construction commences on that lot, provided such sign does not exceed eight (8) square feet in area and thirty-six (36) inches in height. Such sign shall be removed prior to occupancy of the structure or when construction on that lot is substantially complete. Such sign shall not be illuminated, nor located within fifty (50) feet of any property line of an existing residence.
Section 1406. Temporary Real Estate Signs.
Temporary real estate signs shall be permitted on the lot or series of contiguous lots under the same ownership being offered for sale, rent or lease, subject to the provisions contained within the zoning ordinance relative to the district in which the subject property is located. The sign shall be removed not later than seven (7) days after closing of a sale of the real estate, or occupancy thereof by a tenant or lessee.
Section 1407. Temporary Promotion Signs.
(1) As used in this section, the term “Temporary Promotion Sign” means a temporary sign promoting the activities of a legally-sited business/organization, such as, but not limited to, special sales events, membership drives, limited time offerings, new professional services, availability of rental units and the like. Temporary promotion signs shall relate to the business/activities of the occupant of the premises on which the sign(s) is located and for which a current business license exists or is otherwise legally sited.
(2) Temporary promotion signs may be used in all zoning districts except for the R-1, R-2 and TNR zoning districts. Home occupations shall not use temporary promotion signs. In the case of conflict between Section 1407 and requirements for promotion signs in zone-specific chapters of Title 19, Title 19 shall take precedence.
(3) Temporary promotion signs shall comply with the following:
(a) A maximum of two signs per street frontage shall be allowed at any one time;
(b) The maximum total area for these sign(s) shall not exceed 64 square feet per street frontage and 32 square feet per sign;
(c) These signs may remain in place for a period not exceeding 60 days, concurrent or non-concurrent, in any given year, except when temporary promotion signs are utilized during periods of construction, in which case they shall be allowed throughout the period of construction for which a building permit has been issued and shall be removed at the time of project completion or upon expiration of said building permit;
(d) Temporary promotion signs shall not be placed on or encroach over public property or right-of-way unless otherwise allowed per LMC Chapter 12.04, Banners, and LMC Chapter 12.30, Use and Occupancy of Rights-of-Way; and
(e) These signs shall not be illuminated.
Section 1408. Authority of Traffic Engineer.
For all temporary signs (Sections 1403 thru 1407), the city of Longview traffic engineer shall have the authority where, in his/her professional opinion, a hazard to pedestrians or motorists exists due to the placement or height of temporary political signs to require the removal or relocation of said signs.
(Ord. 3283 § 1, 2014; Ord. 3017 § 1, 2007; Ord. 2838 § 1, 2002).
16.13.040 New chapter added to Uniform Sign Code.
The Uniform Sign Code is amended by the addition of a new chapter thereto, to be designated as Chapter 15, reading as follows:
Chapter 15
Additional Provisions
Section 1501. Application of Sign Code to all nonexempt signs throughout city – Specific Zone District provisions.
The provisions of this Chapter 16.13 of the Longview Municipal Code are applicable to all signs in the City of Longview. In addition thereto, in each Zoning District described in and provided for in Title 19 of said code in which provisions are set forth with reference to allowable and permissible signs in such Zoning Districts, the provisions of this Chapter 16.13 and the provisions of said Title 19 are applicable to signs within such Zoning Districts.
Section 1502. Abandoned Signs.
Signs identifying or directing attention to a business, service or profession which has been closed, abandoned or relocated shall be removed or obliterated within thirty (30) days of the business closure, abandonment or relocation. The removal or obliteration of such sign shall be the responsibility of the owners of the property upon which the sign is located.
1991 Uniform Building Code Free Download Games
Any sign which identifies or directs attention to a closed, abandoned or relocated business, service or profession which has not been removed or obliterated shall be considered a public nuisance, and in addition to any other remedies available at law, may be abated in the manner provided in this Longview Municipal Code.
Section 1503. Exempt Signs.
The following signs and/or devices are exempt from the requirement of a sign permit and from the provisions of this Chapter 16.13 except as otherwise provided herein or except as provided in provisions that are set forth with reference to allowable and permissible signs in specific Zoning Districts in Title 19 of the Longview Municipal Code.
(1) Informational signs placed by the City of Longview or by the State of Washington in the publicly owned right-of-way.
(2) Memorial tablets, cornerstones, or similar plaques.
(3) Official national, state, or local government flags.
(4) Religious symbols not exceeding twelve (12) square feet in area.
(5) Historical and landmark signs, subject to review and issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness by the Historic Preservation Commission, for signs up to thirty (30) square feet in area and less than six (6) feet above grade.
(6) Window displays of merchandise which are not affixed to the window surface, provided that the display is located inside the business and does not involve the use of search lights and laser lights, or revolving or rotating beams of light or stroboscopes.
(7) Building or street address numbers, not exceeding two (2) square feet in area.
(8) Affiliation signs for auto-related uses, motels, and hotels that show notices of service provided or required by law, trade affiliations, credit cards accepted, and the like, provided the signs are attached to an otherwise approved freestanding sign or structure. Signs or notices shall not exceed 1/2 square foot in area per sign, and no more than six (6) such signs are allowed per business.
(9) Names of structures or buildings, commemorative plaques, tables, dates of construction, and the like when carved in stone, concrete or similar materials or made of bronze, aluminum, or other similar permanent material and mounted permanently on a structure. These signs shall not exceed four (4) square feet in area and not mounted higher than six (6) feet in height. Existing building name signs of a historic nature shall be exempt from meeting the specified dimensional requirements.
(10) Billboards as provided in LMC Chapter 16.40.
(11) Temporary Political Signs, subject to the provisions of section 1403 of this Chapter 16.13.
(12) Temporary Neighborhood Signs, subject to the provisions of section 1404 of this Chapter 16.13.
(13) Temporary Construction Signs, subject to the provisions of section 1405 of this Chapter 16.13.
(14) Temporary Real Estate Signs, subject to the provisions of section 1406 of this Chapter 16.13.
(15) Historically significant signs declared exempt by Resolution of the City Council.
(16) Wayfinding signs as approved by the Appeal Board of Adjustment.
Section 1504. Prohibited Signs.
No person shall erect, maintain, alter, repair, remove, use (or cause or allow the same to be done) or continue to use any sign not permitted by this Chapter 16.13, Longview Municipal Code Chapter 16.40, or exempt under section 1503. The following signs are prohibited throughout the city, and the erection, maintenance, use or allowance thereof constitutes a class II Civil Infraction:
(1) Signs which bear or contain statements, words, or pictures in which the dominant theme appeals to the prurient interest in sex or is patently offensive because it affronts the contemporary community standard relating to the description or representation of sexual material, that is utterly without redeeming social value.
(2) Signs which resemble any regulatory sign used by the city, county, state or federal government.
(3) Signs or advertising devices located on pedestrian benches containing off-premises advertising or copy.
(4) Signs that are attached to, painted on or otherwise a part of any truck, trailer, semi-trailer, van or other motor vehicle, parked or left standing on private property for more than forty-eight (48) hours (2 days), advertising, promoting or announcing any business, service, activity, belief, or other matter that is not provided upon the premises where such vehicle is parked or left standing; provided, however, that this provision shall not apply to Temporary Political Signs that are attached to, painted on or otherwise a part of any truck, trailer, semi-trailer, van or other motor vehicle.
(5) Repealed by Ord. 3202.
(6) Signs that utilize search lights and laser lights, or signs utilizing revolving or rotating beams of light or stroboscopes.
(7) Signs using flame or an open fire as a source of light.
(8) Signs designed or used for the purpose of emitting sound or dispersing smells. No public address system or other sound device shall be used in conjunction with any sign or advertising device.
(9) Awning signs that project over or under the face or valance of the awning.
(10) Signs affixed to a tree, shrub, rock, or any other natural object.
Section 1505. Nonconforming Signs.
(1) Any sign which does not conform to the provisions of this chapter, for which a permit was issued by the City of Longview, and which was constructed, erected, and maintained in compliance with then applicable City of Longview regulations shall be regarded as a legal nonconforming sign; excluding those signs that are prohibited under section 1504.
(2) Any legal nonconforming sign which is structurally altered, relocated, or replaced shall immediately be brought into conformance with all of the provisions of this title. Normal maintenance shall be permitted on any part of a sign or sign structure without loss of nonconforming status. Sign face changes that do not result in an increase of the nonconformity shall be allowed, except as specifically prohibited in this chapter.
(3) Changes in copy shall be permitted if no structural changes to the sign are necessary, except that no change in copy shall be permitted for nonconforming painted wall signs.
(4) Nonconforming signs shall be removed or brought into conformance under the following conditions:
(a) Within ninety (90) days of damage of the sign by catastrophic events, such as earthquakes, floods and wind, vandalism, fire or other casualty such that the cost of repair and restoration of the sign, to the same or a more conforming design, exceeds twenty-five (25) percent of the cost of placing the sign into conformity, as determined by the Building Official. The Building Official may require that such a sign be removed or repaired in less than ninety (90) days if the sign is deemed to be an immediate danger to the public.
(b) Upon notice by the City that the sign is in a state of disrepair, is unsafe, or may become a danger to the public, providing the costs of repair and restoration of the sign exceeds twenty-five (25) percent of the cost of repairing or restoring the sign and placing the sign into conformity as determined by the Building Official.
(5) Nonconforming signs not subject to removal or conformance to the requirements of subsection (4) above may be repaired or restored to their original design or placed into conformity.
Section 1506. Additional Definitions.
(1) Advertising.
“Advertising” means any display of letters, numerals, characters, words, symbols, emblems, illustrations, objects or registered trademarks which serve to call the attention of the public to products, services, businesses, buildings, premises, events, candidates or ballot propositions.
(2) A-Frame or T-Frame sign.
“A-Frame or T-Frame sign” means a temporary, portable, freestanding, and self-supporting sign which may be either single- or double-faced, forming an “A” shape, or on a pole attached to a flat base.
(3) Alteration.
“Alteration” means any change in size, shape, illumination, position, location, construction, or supporting structure of any sign. A change in copy is not an alteration.
(4) Animated sign.
“Animated sign” means a sign having any visible moving part, flashing or oscillating lights, visible mechanical movement of any description or an intermittent or continuing variation in the illumination or physical position of any part of the sign or device, except such variations necessary for displaying time-of-day information or temperature information.
(5) Architectural projection.
“Architectural projection” means any projection that is not intended for occupancy and that extends beyond the face of an exterior wall of a building, including, without limitation, a roof overhang, mansard, unenclosed exterior balcony, marquee, canopy, awning, pilaster, and fascia, but not including a sign.
(6) Assistant Director.
“Assistant Director” means the Assistant Director of the Community Development Department or their designee.
(7) Awning.
“Awning” means a temporary or fixed shelter supported entirely from the exterior wall of a building without other means of support to the ground which is constructed of rigid or nonrigid materials, and that may be retracted, folded, or collapsed against the face of the supporting building.
(8) Awning sign.
“Awning sign” means any sign erected on, painted on or attached to or supported by an awning.
(9) Building frontage.
“Building frontage” means the length of the face or wall of a completely enclosed building which fronts directly upon a public street or right-ofway.
(10) Business identification sign.
“Business identification sign” means a sign which serves to identify only the name, address, and use of the premises upon which it is located and provides no other advertisements or product identification.
(11) Business promotional sign.
“Business promotional sign” means a temporary sign erected or placed on a business to promote the sale of new products, new management, new hours of operation, a new service, or a special sale for that business.
(12) Cabinet sign.
“Cabinet sign” means a one or two-faced sign which contains all the text and/or logo symbols within a single enclosed cabinet, box or can, and may or may not be internally illuminated.
(13) Changeable copy sign.
“Changeable copy sign” means a sign designed to allow for the message it displays to be periodically changed through manual, mechanical, or electrical means. A changeable copy sign does not include time and temperature signs.
(14) Canopy.
“Canopy” means a functional rigid roof-like multi-sided shelter structure which is wholly or partially supported by a building structure and/or columns, braces or poles extending to the ground. For the purpose of these regulations, a canopy shall be considered an extension of the wall to which it is attached.
(15) Canopy sign.
“Canopy sign” means any sign erected on, painted on or attached to or supported by a canopy.
(16) Commemorative plaque.
“Commemorative plaque” means a memorial plaque, sign, plate or tablet which is permanently affixed to or near the structure, object or event it is intended to commemorate and which displays no advertising.
(17) Commercial sign.
“Commercial sign” means a sign which identifies, advertises, or directs attention to a business or is intended to induce a purchase of a good, property, or service, including, without limitation, any sign naming a brand of good or service and any sign which is not a noncommercial sign.
(18) Community event sign.
“Community event sign” means an informational or directional sign pertaining exclusively to a specific upcoming event sponsored by a governmental entity or nonprofit organization.
(19) Concealed illumination.
“Concealed illumination” means an artificial light source either internal to a sign structure or shielded from public view and from the surrounding properties used to illuminate only the face of the sign and not any area beyond the sign face.
(20) Copy.
“Copy” means the wording, symbols, graphics or numbers on a sign surface in either permanent or removable form.
(21) Cultural, historical or architecturally significant sign.
“Cultural, historical or architecturally significant sign” means a sign with unique local characteristics or a landmark sign that has historical significance, or a sign designed to be an integral part of the building to which it is attached.
(22) Department.
“Department” means the Community Development Department of the City of Longview.
(23) Directional sign.
“Directional sign” means a sign which contains specific directional information and contains no advertising. Also known as an “Informational sign”.
(24) Directly illuminated lighting.
“Directly illuminated lighting” means exposed lighting or neon tubing on the sign face.
(25) Directory sign.
“Directory sign” means a sign which displays exclusively the names, logos and locations of occupants or uses of a building or complex; which includes, but may not be limited to, signs for office buildings, church directories and signs for malls, arcades, and similar commercial buildings. No advertising other than the name, logo and locations of occupants or uses is included.
(26) Electronic Message Center.
“Electronic Message Center” means a changeable copy sign that uses a matrix of electronic illumination elements, digital or analog, to display or project copy which can be modified by electronic processes.
(27) Erect.
“Erect” means to build, construct, raise, assemble, create, alter, display, relocate, attach, hang, place, suspend, affix, paint, draw, engrave, carve, cast, or in any other way bring into being or establish any sign, other than to replace changeable copy and other than in the course of normal sign maintenance as described in this chapter.
(28) Externally illuminated lighting.
“Externally illuminated lighting” means a light source which is separate from the sign and is directed so as to shine onto the sign.
(29) Flashing sign.
“Flashing sign” means a sign or a portion thereof which changes light intensity or switches on and off in a repetitive pattern, or uses electrical or mechanical energy to provide motion or the optical illusion of motion, either direct, indirect or internal.
(30) Flat sign.
“Flat sign” see “Wall sign”.
(31) Freestanding sign.
“Freestanding sign” means a sign which is supported by uprights or braces connected permanently to the ground and which is not connected to a building or structure. Also referred to as detached, ground or post signs. See “Pole sign” and “Monument sign”.
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(32) Grade.
“Grade” means the average elevation of the ground surface immediately below the sign after construction, exclusive of any filling, berming, mounding or excavating solely for the purpose of locating the sign. See “Height of a sign”.
(33) Height of a sign.
“Height of a sign,” “high,” or “in height” mean the vertical distance measured from the elevation of the nearest sidewalk, or, if there is no sidewalk within twenty-five feet, from the lowest point of the finished grade on the lot upon which the sign is located and within twenty-five feet of the sign, to the uppermost point on the sign or the sign structure, whichever is higher.
(34) Historic Preservation Commission.
“Historic Preservation Commission” means the Historic Preservation Commission of the City of Longview, as established by the City Council.
(35) Identification sign.
“Identification sign” means an on-site sign which indicates the premises, occupants, addresses, neighborhood or entrance location to the premises. Identification signs may be monument or freestanding signs.
(36) Illuminated sign.
“Illuminated sign” means any sign illuminated in any manner by an artificial light source.
(37) Indirect lighting.
“Indirect lighting” means nonflashing illumination which is cast on a sign from a source outside the sign with the source of the light being shielded from direct view or from being projected into residences or onto a public right-of-way.
(38) Informational sign.
“Informational sign” means a noncommercial sign of which the sole purpose is to convey information or directions with respect to the premises or site on which it is maintained. Examples include a sign whose copy is limited to the name and address of a building, home or farm, designating the entrance or exit from a parking area, prohibiting trespassing, indicating danger or giving similar information, caution or directions. See “Directional sign”.
(39) Internal lighting.
“Internal lighting” means a concealed light source which is recessed within or contained within any element of a sign.
(40) Legal nonconforming sign.
“Legal nonconforming sign” means any sign that was lawfully erected and maintained under the law governing such sign before adoption of this chapter but which does not conform to the provisions of this chapter, or which was lawfully erected and maintained under the law of the city, but which does not comply with the provisions of this chapter because of subsequent changes in such law.
(41) Main entry.
“Main entry” means the entrance from outdoors into a primary building through which most customers or other visitors pass or are expected to pass. Each building shall be considered to have no more than one main entry, excepting a multiple tenant building, in which case each physically separate business which has no internal passageway to any other business premises shall be considered to have one main entry.
(42) Maintenance.
“Maintenance” means the replacing, repairing, or repainting of a portion of a sign structure or renewing of copy that has been made unusable by ordinary wear and tear, weather, or accident.
(43) Marquee.
“Marquee” means a permanent roof-like structure which projects beyond the building wall and is attached to and supported by the building and projecting over public or private property.
(44) Marquee sign.
“Marquee sign” means any sign which is attached to or supported by a marquee.
(45) Monument sign.
“Monument sign” means a ground-mounted, freestanding sign which is attached to the ground or to its base on grade by a solid structure and which structure extends from the ground or base to the sign face at the same or greater width as the sign face.
(46) Multiple-tenant building.
“Multiple-tenant building” means a building or structure housing at least two separate businesses or agencies.
(47) Mural.
“Mural” means a drawing or graphic which consists exclusively of paint applied to the wall of a building or alternate surface without application of any other material or framing, that depict a scene or scenes that are based on an accurate historical research of a local person or event, or are painted areas on a building wall that are designed and intended as a decorative or ornamental feature. A mural shall not be considered a sign if it contains no advertising, logos, trademarks, or references to any information, products or services whatsoever, either on or off premises.
(48) Neon sign.
“Neon sign” means lettering, numerals, symbols, logos, emblems or illustrations which are directly visible and are constructed of and illuminated solely by glass tubes filled by neon gas, argon gas or equivalent light emitting gaseous elements which are electrified by a current.
(49) Official governmental information sign.
“Official governmental informational sign” means any temporary or permanent sign erected and maintained by the City, County, State or federal government for traffic direction or for designation of or direction to any school, hospital, historical site, or public service, property, or facility.
(50) Parapet wall.
“Parapet wall” means any portion of the vertical extension of a perimeter wall, constructed of materials similar in appearance to those used on the exterior wall below, and extending above, but not enclosed by a roof.
(51) Permanent sign.
“Permanent sign” means a sign constructed of durable materials and intended to exist for the duration of time for the use or occupancy located on the premises.
(52) Pole sign.
“Pole sign” means any freestanding sign composed of a sign cabinet, backboard, frame or base and the sign pole, or pylon by which it connects to the ground. See “Freestanding sign”.
(53) Premises.
“Premises” means the real property on which the business or other entity advertised by the sign or signs mentioned in this chapter is situated.
(54) Projecting sign.
“Projecting sign” means a business identification sign affixed to an exterior wall of a building or structure and extending perpendicularly in whole or part beyond the surface of the wall to which the sign is attached. Projecting signs are best distinguished from flat wall signs by the fact that they are mounted perpendicular rather than parallel to the building face. Also referred to as bracket signs. Hanging bracket signs are projecting signs suspended by chain, link or cable from a projecting architectural feature or support bracket fastened to the primary structure. Projecting signs do not include awning signs, canopy signs, marquee signs, or roof signs and may not be attached to or supported by such signs.
(55) Public entrance.
“Public entrance” means an entrance to a building or premises that is customarily used or intended for use by the general public and excludes a fire exit, an employee entrance or exit, and a loading dock entrance, in each case if not used by the public.
(56) Public right-of-way.
“Public right-of-way” means the entire area between property boundaries: which is owned by a government, dedicated to public use, or impressed with an easement for public use; which is primarily used for pedestrian or vehicular travel; and which is publicly maintained, in whole or in part, for such use; and includes, without limitation, the street, gutter, curb, shoulder, sidewalk, sidewalk area, parking or parking strip, and any public way including an alley.
(57) Reader board.
“Reader board” or “Changeable message sign” means a sign or that portion of a sign on which copy may be easily changed by manual/mechanical means or by lighting effects without reworking, repainting, or otherwise altering the physical composition of the sign.
(58) Revolving sign.
“Revolving sign” means a sign which rotates or turns in motion in a circular pattern.
(59) Roof sign.
“Roof sign” means a sign erected upon or above a roof or parapet of a building or structure, including any sign mounted on a pitched or sloping wall and extending higher than the lowest portion of the adjoining roof. A roof sign includes any sign affixed to any structure erected upon a roof, such as a structure housing mechanical and/or building equipment.
(60) Sandwichboard sign.
“Sandwichboard sign” means a sign constructed in such a manner as to form an “A” or a tent-like shape, either hinged or not hinged at the top, with each angular face held at an appropriate distance by a supporting member, and which is easily movable from site to site.
(61) Sign area.
“Sign area” means the entire area of a sign or device on which the copy is to be placed, expressed in square feet. In the case of an irregularly shaped sign, the area of the sign shall be the entire area within a single continuous rectilinear perimeter of not more than eight (8) straight lines enclosing the extreme limits of the sign copy area together with any material or color forming an integral part or background of the display. Sign supporting structures which are part of the sign display shall be included in the area calculation. Architectural embellishments and decorative features which contain no written or advertising copy shall be included in determining the sign area, and may include the area of the surface upon which the sign is mounted to or affixed to, unless none of the base material or supporting structure is related to the message or image being portrayed in the sign; and all individual pieces or panels that, when placed together, convey a message or image.
(62) Sign copy.
“Sign copy” means the message or image conveyed by a sign.
(63) Sign face.
“Sign face” means any surface of any sign or device upon which information or advertising is placed, displayed or illustrated. The term “sign face” does not include any portion of the support structure for the sign; provided that no message, symbol, graphic, logo, or any of the elements of a “sign” is placed on or designated as part of the support structure (see “Sign” and “Sign area”).
(64) Sign graphics.
“Sign graphics” means any lettering, numerals, figures, designs, symbols or other drawings or images used to create a sign.
(65) Sign height.
“Sign height” see “Height of a sign”.
(66) Special event sign.
“Special event sign” means a temporary sign directing attention to an activity of limited duration. Examples include grand opening, special sales, promotions, community events or similar activities. A special event sign shall not include real estate signs, garage/yard sale signs or other types of incidental signs.
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(67) Street and sidewalk furnishings.
“Street and sidewalk furnishings” means benches, advertising kiosks, lamps, pavilions, bus and cab shelters, trash receptacles, landscape planting boxes and other similar fixtures commonly permitted in pedestrian walkways and passageways.
(68) Street.
“Street” means a public or private way open to the general public including all classes of roadways, excepting alleys and driveways.
(69) Street frontage.
“Street frontage” means the lineal distance for that portion of a property or parcel that adjoins or abuts a public right-of-way.
(70) Street frontage, primary.
“Street frontage, primary” means the lineal length of the street frontage on which the main entry is located; provided that, in the event the main entry is located on a corner of the building or on a side other than a side which abuts a more heavily traveled street, primary street frontage shall be determined as if the main entry were on the side which abuts the more heavily traveled street.
(71) Time and temperature sign.
“Time and temperature sign” means a sign which displays only the current time and temperature, either digitally or analog, and which carries or displays no advertising message. A time and temperature sign shall not be considered a flashing or animated sign, or a changeable copy sign.
(72) Wall.
“Wall” means the exterior of the vertical face or facade of a building. For the purpose of determining the allowable area of a wall sign for a multi-occupancy building, the wall shall be determined to be the portion of the vertical face or facade of the building which would be delineated by the imaginary extension of the interior walls, defining the unit of occupancy through to the exterior of the vertical face or facade.
(73) Wall sign.
“Wall sign” means a business identification sign which is attached parallel to, and within six (6) inches of, a wall, which is supported by and confined within the limits of such wall, and which displays only one sign surface. Wall signs are not projecting signs, cabinet signs, roof signs, awning signs, canopy signs, marquee signs or fence signs.
(74) Wayfinding sign.
“Wayfinding sign” means a permanent sign used for the purpose of identifying a neighborhood or district, such as the downtown district, either freestanding or attached to a wall, identifying the name of the neighborhood or district. Wayfinding signs may also include embellishments, such as an architectural design feature, or a small-scale scene. These signs do not carry any advertising of any kind.
(75) Wind sign.
“Wind sign” means a sign or part of any sign, or series of signs, designed or erected in such a manner as to move when subjected to wind pressure.
(76) Window sign.
“Window sign” means any sign posted, painted, placed, or affixed in or on any window exposed to public view. A window sign does not include any window shading or window display.
(Ord. 3406 § 2, 2019; Ord. 3202 § 5, 2012; Ord. 3063 § 1, 2008; Ord. 2967 § 4, 2006; Ord. 2964 § 1, 2006; Ord. 2895 § 1, 2004; Ord. 2838 § 1, 2002).