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- The Guidelines shall apply to the design of new flexible pavements for Expressways, National Highways, State Highways, Major District Roads and other categories of roads predominantly carrying motorized vehicles. These guidelines do not form a rigid standard and sound engineering judgment considering the local environment and past pavement performance in the respective regions should be given due consideration while selecting a pavement composition.
- For the purpose of the guidelines, flexible pavements include pavements with Bituminous surfacing over:
- Granular base and sub-base
- Cementitious bases and sub-bases with a crack relief layer of aggregate interlayer below the bituminous surfacing
- Cementitious bases and sub-bases with SAMI in-between bituminous surfacing and the cementitious base layer for retarding the reflection cracks into the bituminous layer
- Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) with or without addition of fresh aggregates treated with foamed bitumen/bitumen emulsion
- Use of deep strength long life bituminous pavement
- These guidelines shall not be straightway applied to overlay design for which IRC 81-997 or a more suitable procedure based on evaluation of in situ properties of pavement layers by Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) should be used (25,56).
- The guidelines may require revision from time to time in the light of future developments and experience in the field. Towards this end, it is suggested that all the organizations intending to use the guidelines should keep a detailed record of the year of construction, subgrade CBR, soil characteristics including resilient modulus, pavement composition and specifications, traffic, pavement performance, overlay history, climatic conditions etc. and provide feedback to the Indian Roads Congress for further revision.