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Calculator (command line) in c |
Calculator for windows in c |
Calculator in c |
Calculator in c |
Calculator in c |
Calculator in C (Using graphics.h) c project and source code |
Calculator in c.net with advanced features developed by rajesh naik goa, software-world-goa in c |
Calculator of circles in c |
Calculator with visual studio in c |
Calculator(3D) in C Language c project and source code |
Calculatorlifo in c |
Calendar 2010 in c |
calendar generator c source code |
Calendar generator in c |
Calendar in c |
Calendar to print out days of the month. in c |
Calender planner in c |
Calender (xxx) in c |
Calender c project and source code |
Calender for dos in c |
Calender for years after 1900 in c |
Calender generator in c |
Calender in c |
Calender in c |
Calender of any year in c |
Calender program (find the day of week for any date, pastfuture c source code |
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Calenderformonthandyear c source code |
CalenderFromMe c project and source code |
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Caliber job portal v2 in c |
Call notepad or any .exe c source code |
Callback functions and their use in c |
Calling c code from java in c |
Calma (gds) and cif manipulation in c |
Campers database using stl in c |
Capacitors-1 in c |
Capital city quiz version 1.0 in c |
CapturePicture c project and source code |
CAR 3-D c project and source code |
Car world in c |
Card deck in c |
Card game outline in c |
Card game using queues in c |
Carpetmapgenerator in c |
Carray in c |
Cars shop inventory database in c |
Cascading in classes in c |
Cat draw c project and source code |
Cbits in c |
CBloobCtrl c project and source code |
Cbnotepad in c |
Cbom computer based optimization model programs in c |
Cc comment remover in c |
CC Cursor maker c project and source code |
Ccomplex - a class that deals with complex (imaginary) numbers in c |
Cd organiser in c |
Cd organizer in c |
CD Player (Updated) v2.0 c project and source code |
CD Player c project and source code |
Cd rom opener in c |
Cd tray open in c |
Cdate class - handle date manipulationcomparison simply in c |
Cdbfile - c library to handle dbase iii files in c |
Cdbug class source code in c |
Cdibbitmap class source code in c |
Cdimage in c |
Cdirfunctions in c |
Cdrw in c |
Celcius and farhenheit converter in c |
Centuries calender in c |
Cextstatuscontrolbar - managing status bars panes is getting easier in c |
Cfgloader in c |
Cfilebuf - buffered file output in c |
CG c project and source code |
CG1 c project and source code |
Cgi decoder class in c |
CGraphicButton class source code c project and source code |
Cgx console library in c |
Cgx file io in c |
Chameleon cd player in c |
Chand in c |
Change console text color in c |
Change file date time in c |
Change file premissions linux chmod in c |
Change for ure in c |
Change the back fore color and font of an edit control without mfc in c |
Change the case of characters on sreen in c |
Changing Text Color for Visual C c project and source code |
Char2ascii c source code |
Character arrays, structures and unions in c |
Character counter in c |
Character recognition software v1.0 in c |
Character stuffing program in c in c |
Characterinfo in c |
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Charray - an optimzed string class in c |
HTML Project for Class 8,9,10 & 11
Hi, It’s CoderPradip here. as you all know I am sharing many Tricks and Tips as well as Programming Codes, Projects, Case Study and many more.
I am again sharing a new HTML Project Work. This post is especially for all the students of class 11 and other class. If you a Computer Science student you can subscribe to my blog and my YouTube channel for more Programs and many more about computers and technology. I have used simple codes only. If you need the Advance Please let me know.
Download HTML Project
You’re free to download and use this project. You don’t pay a single penny as I am providing you all the things free in this blog.
Why should I use this Project as my Project work?

Yeah! Simply you should submit this as your project work to be highlighted in front of your Friends and Teacher not actually 🙂 . you should submit this because it is easy to understand and simple program for you to explain. if you’re still unable to explain this project. You can comment on your problem. I and other viewers will try to solve your issue.
How can I edit this project?
It is simple to program so you can easily edit this. So here are the basic things you can do.
Basic Editing

- Download and Extract the Project from your android or PC.
- Password: coderpradip.com
- Now, Open The Folder and Open any HTML File in notepad.
- Now change the following codes:
- <title>Write Home Page </title>
- Change all the Info you want(Such as college name, address, contact email addresses and many more)
- at the last behind </body> tag changes the footer with your and your college name.
- Open assets folder and replace that images with your collage’s images [Name and image format Must be same ex: 1.jpg ](Easy Method)
- more ……
- and save that all.
Used Technology (Languages)
C Net Sample Projects With Source Code Free Download Torrent
- HTML– To Markup the Page and Contents such as title, body, marquee, images, text formatting tags & more.
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